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rrr - Respect before Responsibility before Rights


The-rCode is RRR or Respect before Responsibility before Rights.

NB: The PRIORITIZATION of these words is critical to the effectiveness of this moral compass.

The_rCode defines how to do-the-right-thing, stop racism, stop hate, stop fear and regain self-confidence, dignity and happiness.



will regain our Dignity (Self Respect) and Hope (Happiness) .


is the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone -OR- the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.

NOTE: We , under certain circumstances, need to consider the level of RESPONSIBILITY which any person or entity can be responsible for. These levels should be assessed according to the 8 dynamics, which shall be;

1. Self (the lowest level of responsibility that one must be ACCOUNTABLE for.)

2. Family and Sex

3. Groups

4. Mankind.

5. All Living things.

6. Physical Universe (which includes the planet Earth.)

7. Spirtual Universe

8. Infinty = = The Supreme Being = God
(which is the dynamic of Religions, Cults and Theology).

before RIGHTS

which are legal, social or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement.

AND which must be earned by RESPECTING all living things with which we have to SHARE this planet on a day-to-day basis to maintain the natural BALANCE on Earth for our SURVIVAL.

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rBook by:Impala Development and Marketing Systems 2001-2025
Host is: (for DEV only) TimeZone --- Australia/Brisbane - Mon 20/01/2025 - 12:47:06:000 Pages viewed --- 1 Page Size --- 5469

Please visit RRR (Respect before Responsibility before Rights) ---HERE--